
首发 | 零次方×建发 · 以山为德,以水为性&归山有舍

DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29






The mountain is spiritual because of the water, and the water is around when it meets the mountain. The mountains and the water embrace each other, and the light and shadow reflect each other. In Chinese traditional culture, the aesthetic pursuit of "mountain as virtue, water as nature" is advocated. The project is located in Longyan, Fujian, and is intended to express how to construct a cultural carrier of oriental spirit in the contemporary design logic, dig deep into the cultural roots, and explore the philosophy and ontology based on national culture and future development.

The whole design takes water as the pulse and the courtyard is surrounded. The architects create a harmonious relationship of natural fading with the help of water scenery, and the stones, trees, water and architecture are cleverly integrated to maximize the natural attributes of the building and return the design to a natural, pure and simple artistic mood. 




The frescoes of high mountains and flowing water in the front hall, the trees with high and broad, dense branches like umbrella, the birds watching the stream, the flowers with simple and luxuriant flowers, the green shadows of the purple mountain flowing for thousands of years are reflected in the ripples of the Dong Yang wood carvings, the sunlight leaking down from them, left in the gaps of the jagged stones on the surface, the tranquility, seclusion and leisure of this school. This is a quiet, profound and leisurely school of thought. It plays a song of Sanskrit in the mountain wilderness.






The design of the transept introduces scenery into the room through the corridor, mountain stacking, water management and tree planting, creating the free interest of the natural mountains and wilderness, and the harmonious coexistence between people and the environment.


The space as a whole is dominated by the original wood color, the original wood color is the best interpretation of nature, the original wood wind simple but not bland, quiet but not cold, simple lines but simple and natural, the natural penetration of light and shadow, so that the space becomes warm and comfortable, simple and pure. Wooden fence hanging in the air, structure in the light and shadow, infinite changes. The ordinary light, nothingness and quietness, but can make all the art become real and touchable, sprinkled on the earth, based on time and space, slowly precipitated and gradually presented.




诗词自王有容 《龙岩八景》


The negotiation area draws on the layout of the "Rifang system" and arranges the functions in an orderly manner, taking the large sandbox area to the negotiation area as the central axis, and distributing other functions to the left and right on both sides, forming a central axis symmetrical plan layout scheme. The space is open to view without screens, and every structure is inclusive.

散客洽谈区的布局,围合而克制,但与其他空间因一切有了光的流动和停留,而又让彼此各自推向独立,又在整体归一中实现了互为对话。 这里,更像是一个不疾不徐等待清晨到来,或因流连暮色而静静发呆的一个空间。幻似时空隧道,一切应了光的进来、穿透或停留或离开,在自然与简单中平衡出诸多美的心境,寂寥而美好。

The layout of the casual negotiation area, enclosed and restrained, but with other spaces because everything has the flow and stay of light, and let each other push to independent, but also in the whole to achieve a dialogue with each other. Here, it is more like a space that waits for the morning to come or lingers for the twilight to linger quietly. It is like a time tunnel, where everything responds to the light coming in, penetrating or staying or leaving, balancing out many beautiful states of mind in nature and simplicity, silent and beautiful.


The space connects time and humanistic clues, wraps the elegant space with natural tranquility, and then uses light and shadow scale to freeze and preserve time, so that they can go back to nature and go in and out of the past and present together with the artworks in the space. People in the space are like dipping into the poetry of history, like touching the clouds of contemporary times, like taking in the wind of the lake, allowing the lake and mountain scenery to interweave with the calmness of the road from the heart, so that the contemporary celebrities and elegant people can laugh and laugh with the sages and the sages of heaven and earth.




The grass and trees, the rocks and flowers, the trees with their quiet posture are like green sculptures overflowing with vitality, shielding people from the hustle and bustle of the world and teaching them to enter the natural tranquility, so that their words and footsteps become light and quiet.





绢本设色 纵138厘米 横51厘米



The tea room is also landscaped indoors to warm the heart of the space. Traditional cultural elements extracted from the ornaments and classical bronze vessels, the ancient and the modern see each other, the rustic and primitive materials from the nature, the elegant and leisurely things loved by the ancient scribes are incorporated into the space, and the space is symbiotic with the modern space, and at that moment the space rekindles the tension of life. The combination of the two seems to find the beauty of transporting nature and regaining vitality again.

自然、空间与人,归一后和谐共生。整个室内追寻的是“天、地、人”和谐统一的自然观与哲思,小小的境地,通过自由而质朴的创作与形式表达,诠释了“静、雅、美、真、 和”的情绪体验。
Nature, space and people are harmoniously coexisting after being unified. The whole interior pursues the natural concept and philosophy of the harmony and unity of "heaven, earth and man", and the small realm, through free and simple creation and formal expression, interprets the emotional experience of "quietness, elegance, beauty, truth and harmony".


项目名称 | 龙岩建发城北壹号营销中心

Project Name | Longyan C&D City North One Marketing Center

甲方团队 | 建发房产

Party A Team | C&D Property

特别支持 | 郑建煌、郑建雄、廖聪生、黄锋

Special Support | Zheng Jianhuang Zheng Jianxiong Liao Congsheng Huang Feng

项目地址 | 福建.龙岩市

Project Address | Fujian. Longyan City

完成时间 | 2021年11月

Completion date | November 2021

室内设计 | 深圳零次方空间设计

Interior Design | Z.POWER

软装设计 | 深圳零次方空间陈设

Soft Furnishing Design | Z.POWER

建筑单位 | 厦门合立道工程设计
Construction unit | Xiamen Hailidao Engineering Design
景观单位 | 广州域道园林景观设计
Landscape Unit | Guangzhou Vedao Landscape Design
室内摄影 | 文耀影像
Photography | WYAP Wenyao Mirror


“Z”是代表无限可能,“ . ”是温度,小而耀眼,“POWER”是力量,是自我突破,不断生长的状态。逻辑、温度、创新是零次方的设计核心。零次方设计屡获国内外设计奖项,设计作品遍布全国各大城市,秉承“国际思维·东方美学”的设计理念,以创造客户价值为出发点,传递项目人文和品牌内涵。通过设计语言回归设生活美学的本质,赋予空间更具深度的多维认知和感悟。

ZERO POWER  推 荐 案 例


苏州当代· 著家MOMΛ营销中心

南宁建发· 央玺J户型样板房


DINZ 德 网 近 期 热 文
观致设计 | 实地海棠华著
MDO | 武汉仁恒滨江园
入山设计 | 德国至蓝地板展厅
明德设计 | 兰州万科·水晶城营销中心

